Thursday, February 21, 2013

Love Is Series: Introduction and Verse 4a

I'm going to be attempting a series based on 1 Corinthians 13 in which I'll put myself into the verses of the definition of love to process how I'm loving those around me. 

1 Corinthians 13:4a "Love is patient and kind"

I had this idea awhile back and looking at even this first verse made me put it off. It's tough to think about yourself and really be honest. I like to think of myself as patient and kind. But am I?

I think I'm generally kind. My sarcasm can sometimes defy that, which is something I've try to get better about over time but still struggle with. I started to think about what being kind means and here's what Merriam-Webster had to say:

1 chiefly dialect : affectionate, loving
2 a : of a sympathetic or helpful nature
I like to think that when it comes to being needing sympathy or help, I'm generally there for them. But is that enough? That's why I think these two are together, and even why kindness follows patience. 

I don't think one can truly be kind without patience.

It's easy to help someone in need, but what if it becomes difficult? What if the person is really whiny? Or acts entitled to the help? Or is unappreciative? What if the need for help comes at a truly inconvenient time? 

That's when kindness can turn to begrudging duty. It's when sarcasm becomes the first response. It's when resentment sets in. And that's no longer patience.

When I first though about this, my first thought was that I'm unfortunately less patient with my family than with others, specifically coworkers. But in general I think I'm equally impatient with others, I just give them that surface kindness. 

Patient and Kind seem simple on the surface, but they require a lot of humility and grace to truly give enough for people to be treated fairly, let alone be loved. It's troubling to think about how often I fail at these two things.

What are your thoughts? How do you stack up with kindness and patience?

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